Student Assessment

Each student in Transitional Kindergarten to eighth grade will receive a report card at the end of each trimester grading period. 

Instruction at St. Clare School is driven by the standards of the state of California and the Diocese of San Jose. These standards contain guidelines for each curricular subject, including topics of study, skills, and other learning opportunities.The teachers at St. Clare School use a variety of assessment tools— including tests, quizzes, written work, projects, reading inventories, observations, etc.—to identify what students are ready to learn and how they can best guide students’ progress. Teachers frequently review students’ work and evaluate progress towards meeting the standards.

Standards Based Report Cards-Transitional Kindergarten to Fifth Grade

Standards based report cards give an accurate and detailed report of a student’s academic progress. The standards based report card identifies the students' understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn. These report cards provide information about how well an individual student is doing in relation to the grade level standards, not the work of other students. Parents are able to understand more clearly what is expected of the student and how to help him/her be successful.

NARRATIVE REPORT CARDS-sixth to eighth grade

Narrative report cards are similar to standards-based report cards. Student progress is measured against learning goals and objectives gleaned from the California state standards. These report cards provide students and parents with a narrative describing the students’ mastery of the learning goals, as well as those areas in need of continued focus. The narrative also provides our Catholic and private high schools with more detailed information about each student. As with standards-based report cards, narrative report cards provide information about how well an individual student is doing in relation to the grade level learning goals and standards, not the work of other students.